I don’t know how much of this story you’ve read before the earlier chapters were redone, but knowing the backstory of Althea and Grimhilde and one other thing the mirror show Snow White further on in the story that is revealed to be false, yeah, I DON’T trust that mirror.
It´s not only that it´s fake as hell, but powerful as hell, it could take control over Dorian´s body for example, who knows what else can it do? Also since in the original movie Grimhilde summons him from the fathest space in think it´s from a another world or universe even
Before pressing on to those, I’ll wait for the other missing chapters to develop.
2 years ago
The mirror is already lying to Snow White, although technically, he is her mother’s mirror. We also know that the mirror has been the driving force behind Althea and Grimhilde’s fates and pathways.
Maybe it’s similar to how the Fae are depicted in folklore? Like it can’t BLATANTLY lie, but can tell half-truths/twist the perception of the truth? Either way that mirror is shady as hell and I can’t wait to see its true motivations come to light.
White Phoenix
2 years ago
The mirror is blatantly lying but the question is why. What agenda does it have? Since the Third One was cursed, could it be him?
We still have no idea whose side this damn mirror is on, nor who he’s working for or if he’s his own agent. What we do know is that he uses queens as his playthings, that’s for certain and Snow White is his latest.
I’m sorry, I just wanted to express that I don’t trust that mirror-spirit, I didn’t intend to have my comment the start of a spoiler thread. Aside from that, it is still unknown why he does what he does (luckily). But I believe he may just have his own agenda. By his name “Slave of the Magic Mirror” and maybe even without knowing yet how powerful he actually is, me might deduct he’s a form of a spirit enslaved in that mirror for a reason, and probably wants to find a way to get out or something. This is most likely not a trust-worthy, pure-hearted creature, no way.
And it wouldn’t be a strange or unusual thing to happen in a Snow White retelling. One example of a story heavily based on Snow White, that features a non-trust-worthy Magic Mirror would be “Fairiest”, a children’s novel written by the author of “Ella Enchanted”. There, the spirit of the Mirror just manipulates his owners for his own gain, because in the magic rules that enslaved him there’s a loophole, which he gladly uses.
He has no reason to lie, Snow. ):
Ask him anything.
“My lips can’t utter lies”
Yeah, no. That mirror is fake as hell
How so?
I don’t know how much of this story you’ve read before the earlier chapters were redone, but knowing the backstory of Althea and Grimhilde and one other thing the mirror show Snow White further on in the story that is revealed to be false, yeah, I DON’T trust that mirror.
Oh. ):
Also, I read all the earlier chapters. I’m currently on chapter four of the newer ones.
I’m waiting for the rest of the chapters to be redone before moving on to the rest.
It´s not only that it´s fake as hell, but powerful as hell, it could take control over Dorian´s body for example, who knows what else can it do? Also since in the original movie Grimhilde summons him from the fathest space in think it´s from a another world or universe even
Whoa, that mirror took over Dorian?! D:
Yes, he turned Dorian´s body into Gerald´s body so that Snow White could be born through Grimhilde in Page 24 of Chapter 9.5
Hey! Spoiler alert
OH, MY GOD~!!!!!!!! D8
Yes! The chapter containing Grimhilde and Althea’s backstories explains this.
Whoa. O:
Before pressing on to those, I’ll wait for the other missing chapters to develop.
The mirror is already lying to Snow White, although technically, he is her mother’s mirror. We also know that the mirror has been the driving force behind Althea and Grimhilde’s fates and pathways.
Maybe it’s similar to how the Fae are depicted in folklore? Like it can’t BLATANTLY lie, but can tell half-truths/twist the perception of the truth? Either way that mirror is shady as hell and I can’t wait to see its true motivations come to light.
The mirror is blatantly lying but the question is why. What agenda does it have? Since the Third One was cursed, could it be him?
We still have no idea whose side this damn mirror is on, nor who he’s working for or if he’s his own agent. What we do know is that he uses queens as his playthings, that’s for certain and Snow White is his latest.
Okay, I was wrong. From what everyone’s been saying, that Mirror is lying to Snow. ):
What I want to know is why. ):
Same here. I want to know that mirror’s backstory and how he ended up in a well at the place Althea was working at as a servant.
Right. ):
I’m sorry, I just wanted to express that I don’t trust that mirror-spirit, I didn’t intend to have my comment the start of a spoiler thread. Aside from that, it is still unknown why he does what he does (luckily). But I believe he may just have his own agenda. By his name “Slave of the Magic Mirror” and maybe even without knowing yet how powerful he actually is, me might deduct he’s a form of a spirit enslaved in that mirror for a reason, and probably wants to find a way to get out or something. This is most likely not a trust-worthy, pure-hearted creature, no way.
And it wouldn’t be a strange or unusual thing to happen in a Snow White retelling. One example of a story heavily based on Snow White, that features a non-trust-worthy Magic Mirror would be “Fairiest”, a children’s novel written by the author of “Ella Enchanted”. There, the spirit of the Mirror just manipulates his owners for his own gain, because in the magic rules that enslaved him there’s a loophole, which he gladly uses.
That’s okay.
And ah. Got it. 👍
Well the Mirror is not telling lies, it is just not telling all truth. And that is much worse manipulation than just ordinary lie.
(GASPS) More glorious Snowers chapters. I like her messy rigid hair. It makes her look more flawed.
Wait,this came out two days ago?!
*insert WHY YOU LYIN’?* meme