The one I’m the most pissed off at in this story so far is Lady Tremaine. Maleficent might come next though. I’m also not too fond of Berthalda either for all the shit she’s been stirring around Ariel and Belle.
Yes, Tremaine is just as bad as Maleficent. Berthalda I mind a little less because she so far hasn’t done anything all that devastating and her character at least causes drama so she’s funny. We’ll see if that changes or not.
She was telling all sort of gross rumors at court in front of Belle, Adam and Ariel and I also used to be really pissed when she turned back time and made Eric her husband. Remember, at that part in the story, we had no idea of the backstory of Ariel and Eric’s marriage being a rocky one or unstable due to Ariel’s abysmal voice enchanting him into a loveless marriage. So naturally, at the time, I was pissed. Now? She can keep him!
10 months ago
This makes it more touching that Aurora has to kill Phillip, not because she’s helplessly under Maleficent’s control, but because she doesn’t want him to suffer anymore. The fact that Phillip knows that this wasn’t her fault and dies telling her that he loves her is beautiful and sad.
10 months ago
Dang…this takes a lot of strength on Aurora’s part that even Maleficent was shocked. Saddest mercy kill I’ve ever seen. :,(
Even Maleficent is surprised that Aurora had the guts to do that…
Who was the bastard that left onions on the table? ????
I want to know too. T_T
This was even better than the original version.
By a long shot!!
Maleficent better get the worst fate for this. I can’t imagine anything in her backstory will ever make me feel sorry for her.
The one I’m the most pissed off at in this story so far is Lady Tremaine. Maleficent might come next though. I’m also not too fond of Berthalda either for all the shit she’s been stirring around Ariel and Belle.
Yes, Tremaine is just as bad as Maleficent. Berthalda I mind a little less because she so far hasn’t done anything all that devastating and her character at least causes drama so she’s funny. We’ll see if that changes or not.
She was telling all sort of gross rumors at court in front of Belle, Adam and Ariel and I also used to be really pissed when she turned back time and made Eric her husband. Remember, at that part in the story, we had no idea of the backstory of Ariel and Eric’s marriage being a rocky one or unstable due to Ariel’s abysmal voice enchanting him into a loveless marriage. So naturally, at the time, I was pissed. Now? She can keep him!
This makes it more touching that Aurora has to kill Phillip, not because she’s helplessly under Maleficent’s control, but because she doesn’t want him to suffer anymore. The fact that Phillip knows that this wasn’t her fault and dies telling her that he loves her is beautiful and sad.
Dang…this takes a lot of strength on Aurora’s part that even Maleficent was shocked. Saddest mercy kill I’ve ever seen. :,(
Phillip …? Phillip! PHILLIP!!!!!! *tears fall*
The best page of the entire remake!!
It was both so tragic and lovely honestly it was worth the wait.