So like, with all the gold he definitely has to be connected with Dorian in some way…right? The mirror did say Dorian has more kids than even he is aware of. Not to mention whatever the Chevaliers de Or are (forgot the new name).
3 months ago
Now I’m more curious to know Tristan’s backstory. I initially thought he was a henchman for Ursula or working for her because she was the one who turned him into a merman (if the theory that Tristan was once human is correct). But their deal was simply for him to gather some ingredients for her while she was to open a chest. I still have no idea why that comb was so important to him or why only Ursula could open the chest to begin with.
3 months ago
Ohhhhh boy! Here we go!!
3 months ago
Ugh, I wish we could jump to the next page already! I’m hooked!
White Phoenix
3 months ago
So many mysteries about Tristan. Seems like he could be a real gamechanger for this story.
Time to come clean, Tristan. 🙁
So like, with all the gold he definitely has to be connected with Dorian in some way…right? The mirror did say Dorian has more kids than even he is aware of. Not to mention whatever the Chevaliers de Or are (forgot the new name).
Now I’m more curious to know Tristan’s backstory. I initially thought he was a henchman for Ursula or working for her because she was the one who turned him into a merman (if the theory that Tristan was once human is correct). But their deal was simply for him to gather some ingredients for her while she was to open a chest. I still have no idea why that comb was so important to him or why only Ursula could open the chest to begin with.
Ohhhhh boy! Here we go!!
Ugh, I wish we could jump to the next page already! I’m hooked!
So many mysteries about Tristan. Seems like he could be a real gamechanger for this story.
So is Tristan one of the Four Golden Emissaries?